Movie Review: Wonder Woman

 via GIPHY

I know I'm late to the game of watching the movie Wonder Woman. I had heard good things about it but I was reluctant because I feared it would end like all female-centered heroine movies end: with a wedding or with a baby - or both. (I'm looking at you Hunger Games). No matter how often a woman saves the day in the end, she is always reduced to the role of the love interest or the mother, as if to say "yeah, we know you can kick ass and have brains but don't forget your place in society: by a man's side and in the nursery". Gag.

At about the midway point of the movie, Wonder Woman seemed to go the same direction. Gal Gadot looks - of course - amazing in every shot. A flawless body and perfect hair at all times - just how we would have looked on the battle fields of World War I. I really envied her for her amazing outfit - who wouldn't want bullet proof bracelets. She is trained and raised by a lot of strong women in order to save the world from harm without ever knowing anything bad except from stories. That is, until a beautiful boy enters the picture - and Chris Pine is quite pleasing to look at. He tells her about the awful things that are happening during the war and she feels convinced that she needs to save the world.

Fearless and driven by an unwavering moral code to do good and bring peace to the world, she enters the war and starts kicking ass. She doesn't run away, she doesn't turn her back on humanity, she does not try to monetize on her heroism. She just wants to rid the world of evil. Not even the pretty boy can stop her! Although they share a kiss and there is a hint towards them spending the night together,  the love story never becomes the focus of the movie. THANKFULLY!!!! She is the heroine! She doesn't need a man to help her! Finally a movie that shows that women are strong and more often than not are the ones who need to save the man!

Therefore, dear directors and moviemakers of the sequal of Wonder Woman, please don't change her! Don't let her become helpless. Don't let her lose her focus because of a boy. Don't let there be a wedding. Don't let there be a baby. Don't let her become obsessed with fashion and make-up. And for FFS, don't give her a frickin' make-over. Just let her be who she was meant to be: a female role model - a HEROINE!



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