...likes this. - Staying connected in the era of social networking

...is cooking dinner.
...doesn't know what to watch on TV tonight.
...is looking for a restaurant recommendation.
...likes your photo/activity/status/bowel movement.

I'll be the first to admit that the general content on people's social networking profiles is beyond boring. Do you really think that people care that your cat just spit out a hair ball? That your boyfriend cooked you dinner? That your favorite sports team won? That your boyfriend's dinner gave you food poisoning. Probably not. Hell, how often do I think - wow, you really don't have a life do you? But then again, I'm sure some people say that about my hiking photos, my party pics (that, I admit, look pretty similar every weekend - oh yeah, I'm guilty of frequent photogasms on my profile page), that I became a fan of 'I love Milka' and 'I did not sleep with Tiger Woods'.

BUT! As someone dealing with feeling homesick as well as living on her own, social networking sites - and one in particular (visage livre) - has made my life a hell of a lot easier and less lonely. It is comforting to receive a 'hey, can't sleep either' at 1 AM when you have clubbed sheep to death in your head for the passed two hours. And there is nothing better than hearing people complain about the bad weather back home when your homesickness is at it's peak and you have savaged an entire box of tissues in 15 minutes. And as a bonus, I can stay updated and involved in my friends' lives without having to bother them or them overloading my email inbox with 68 baby pictures that all look the same to me. With a simple click on the 'thumbs up' button you can let someone know that you are participating (and interested at all!) in their life, without having to engage in listless phrases of 'Hi, how are you, I'm doing fine, so last weekend I did this, I saw soandso, I ate a sandwich, and blah, blah, blah.... Not enough happens in a week to sent out an e-newsletter about your life to keep your friends updated. And chances are they don't care about what you do every minute of every day. No one is that interesting. Yep, not even you! Winkey-smiley-face. LOL. Haha. ROFL. FML.

So what if I update my status 12 times a day. You don't have to go to my profile. Ha! Got a problem with my photo-orgy every Sunday evening documenting my weekend shenanigans? Delete me from your newsfeed! I will never know! Wanna block me from seeing your wall? Go ahead, it wasn't that interesting anyway. Actually, your life seems kinda boring.

Yep, I'm a full blown social networking-spying on other people's lives-showing you what I did last night and didn't invite you-indulging in how I think my life turned out better than yours, bitch-kinda girl. So? Whatcha gonna do about it? Go ahead - block me. LOL

Me likes this!


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