Social Media Killed the Video Star - and My Mood

You may have noticed that I haven't posted a blog article in a while. This is partly due to me being busy at my day job - nope, I don't make a living (yet) with just writing - and on the other hand due to me being worn out ... by social media. Specifically by Instagram.

I kept hearing about travel bloggers, fashion bloggers and motivational speakers having tens of thousands of followers making really good money through sponsored posts and getting lots of freebies in exchange for product reviews. That sounded intriguing to me. I like writing. I like trying new things. Sounds like my calling. I knew I had to get started with generating lots of followers. I thought I look into that some more. I learned that good, clean photos and the right kind of hashtags as well as frequent postings will lead to getting more followers. Before I started to take Instagram more seriously, I only used it to put a filter on my photos for posting on Facebook later. My skin just looks better in Gingham and my hair is more shiny in Lark. Reality is just too bland these days.

Before I looked into Instagram opportunties, I had about 70 followers and I followed about 100 people. For the strech of about 6 weeks, I spent every day at least 1-2 hours planning, posting, taking picutres as well as liking and commenting on other people's photos on Instagram. It started when I woke up in the morning by checking how many new likes, followers and comments I got. On the subway on my way to work, I started responding to comments and when I got home from work I also spent copious amounts of time checking out other people's post in order to like or comment on them. There are only so many ways to be witty and creative when 50% of the people you follow post cupcakes and the other 50% post travel photos. I'm starting to get neck pain from the constantly tilted head-position.

After the 6 weeks, I now have about 220 followers and I follow nearly 500 Instagramers. I say 'about' because whenever I get excited over having 4 new followers in one day, I lose about 5 the next day. It has become quite an annoyance. And I'm just exhausted.

So I ask those with more than 1,000 followers on Instagram: what is your secret? How do you make time for this while working a regular job? How long did it take you to get over 1k of followers? How do you get rid of that mental and physical pain in the social media-neck?

Here are some of my wonderfully filtered Instagram photos. By the way, you can find me under misseuro or under my name Cornelia E. Miedler. ;)


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