It's Spring: Time to Smile

 via GIPHY

A magical thing happens every year in Austria right around this time: people remember how to smile!

When I lived in California, I was really confused why everyone was so damn happy all the time. I arrived in LA in the middle of September and my mood had already gone into hybernation ready for winter. But there is no real winter in LA. My body was confused - and my mood even more so. And then I got it: sunshine makes people happy! Eureka! Who knew?!

Now as spring has sprung in Austria, I can see the same phenomnon. Yesterday, I ran into a neighbor. She smiled at me! And even greeted me! I was confused but immediately showed appreciation by smiling and greeting back. Of course, the springtime-miracle mood-lift doesn't work on everyone - my downstairs neighbor would rather bodycheck anyone in her way than crack a smile. Gee lady-no-smiles, give it a try, it doesn't hurt. 

Nevermind the sourpuss face from downstairs, I love this time of the year! I know this smiling is entirly seasonal and will fade once September hits. Until then, I will enjoy the smiles and happy people and smile back at anyone who is not a creepy smiler.



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