Donald, You Are Fired! - My Vision for the Near Future

Watching the U.S. election with a non-American, in my case European, perspective leaves one to wonder about what goes on in the minds of Americans. From an outside view, it is very clear that Donald Trump has the mental capacity of a five year old who had his candy taken away from him after throwing his own feces at his siblings. He pouts when he doesn't get what he wants. He interrupts and yells when he is exposed as lying. And he masks his insecurities (especially about his small hands and lack of business skills) by 'adjusting' the facts and repeating over and over how great and rich he is. He called Mexican rapists and is the poster child of misogyny. He is the crazy uncle you only need to see at Christmas and the reason why you get wasted on eggnog before Christmas brunch was even served.


However, there is a 50:50 chance that we - and by 'we' I mean the entire world - will have to see the crazy uncle all year round.

Earlier this week, I watched the first presidential debate. It was pure agony to watch the entire thing. I did enjoy Hillary's occasional I-can't-believe-I-even-need-to-debate-this-guy-look on her face. It is so obvious to me that she is the better choice for America and yet, even after the debate, I found anti-Hillary posts on my Facebook feed. What's interesting is that Trump voters don't support him by sharing how great they find his policies or his plans for the future. Instead, they show their support for him by bashing Hillary. It seems to me that Trump voters are not necessarily FOR Trump, they are just AGAINST Hillary. Even among my immigrant friends in the US, I come across Trump supporters although he would never represent, or even care, about their interests.

I personally fear that the same phenomenon will occur as it did when George H.W. Bush was reelected for a second term as president following the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, hurricane Kathrina and a steady economic decline - the majority of Kerry supporters was so convinced that he would win the election in a landslide that they didn't go vote. At the time, I was a student at UCLA and the 'Vote or Die'-campaign was all the rage among the young voters-to-be. On the day of the election, I envied them for being able to vote as I was not yet a citizen. I would have loved to participate in the process and be able to say that I helped avoid disaster. The more and more I talked and listened to students, the more it was revealed that they didn't go vote! "I had to finish a paper." "I have back-to-back classes." "I wanted to sleep in." "I didn't feel like going off campus." I couldn't believe it! And sure enough G.H.W. Bush was reelected. Disaster was no averted - it continued four more years.

This is why I call all my fellow American citizens to please take those 15 minutes out of your day on November 8th to go vote! Don't think your candidate will win because it is the only logical conclusion in your opinion. Logic did not show up on November 2nd, 2004. Let's make sure it does on November 8th, 2016. (Pretty please!!!!!)



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