New Year's Resolutions Update

 On January 4th, I posted my New Year's resolutions for 2016:

Here is a quick update on the status of those resolutions:

1) I plan on losing 6 pounds and about 1 inch around the waist by the time I have my first bridal gown fitting in the spring.
STATUS: I lost 4 of those 6 pounds. The last 2 pounds just don't want to go away! Argh! I have less than a month until my fitting!!!

2) I want to hang on to the lost weight and inches until I acutally get married. :)
STATUS: See 1)

3) I want to publish my first book before the summer!
STATUS: I got my book prototype a few weeks ago and I am ready to give the go-ahead for the final print!!! The excitement is building!!! I hope my book will be on the bookstore shelves and online by the end of April!

4) I want to eat less chocolate. I can't get really specific about this goal. Anything less than the current amount is a success.
STATUS: I think I can say I have been successful here. However, not due to my strong will power but rather due to stomach issues whenever I consume sweets. :/ Either way, the result is the same. I also don't exhibit any anger issues due to the lack of chocolate! Success!!!

5) I want to focus on the present and worry less about the future or the past.
STATUS: This was a though one! My speciality is worrying about the future. It is not as easy as it sounds to focus on the present and not let your mind wonder and your hands stop from forming a fist all the time. I attended a Mindfulness Workshop and it was extremely helpful to let go of thoughts that kept my mind busy for hours. I learned to deal with anger and with people who I used to give too much power to make me angry. If you are a worrier, I recommend a Mindfulness Workshop!

6) I will not get dragged down by the people who don't have my best interest at heart but only care about their own benefits.
STATUS: I think I'm doing quite well with this one. I have not given in to people who tried to make me believe that I owe them something or try to guilt me into doing things I don't want to do by  insinuating that I am not a good friend/person if I don't do what they expect me to do. I have eliminated people out of my life who tried to boss me around and I feel relieved. Eliminating people who suck out all of my positive energy was a big improvement to my quality of life. Try it!

7) And yes, I will (plan on) go(ing) to the gym more. Also no specifics, since going once a week would already be a success for me... *Sigh* Maybe I need to invest in a trainer...
STATUS: Complete and 100% failure with this one... :(


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