A quick note on airline etiquette...

As the occasional jet-setter that I am, I've encountered rather curious behavior on long distance and also not so long flights. So here is a quick rant on how you can successfully piss me off on a plane.

It is not okay to:
- snore
- take your shoes off when you have cheesy feet
- pick at your teeth with a tooth pick for hours on end - including when you are talking to me
- hog all the elbow space on the shared arm rest
- not bring a pacifier when you have a small kid
- not do something about it when your kid - who doesn't have a pacifier - is screaming for hours
- fart
- burp
- chew your food with your mouth open
- chew your gum with your mouth open
- not wash your hands after using the bathroom
- bending my head rest all the way back when you use it to peel yourself out of your seat
- keep snapping the elastic of your seat pocket
- drum your feet against the back of my seat
- put your feet up on my arm rest when you sit behind me
- kick me while you (or I) are asleep (oh yes, that has happened)
- sneeze without covering your mouth

So there you have it! Boy, do I feel better now! Until the next flight...


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