New Year - New Resolutions to be Broken

2015 came to a close and 2016 is only few days old. Did you think about your New Year's resolutions in the hours before the ball dropped? Were they the same as the year before? Are you gonna stick to them this time?

If you are like me then you probably have the same type of resolutions every year including working out more and eating healthier. So this year, I decided to be more specific with my resolutions.

Here we go:

1) I plan on losing 6 pounds and about 1 inch around the waist by the time I have my first bridal gown fitting in the spring.
2) I want to hang on to the lost weight and inches until I acutally get married. :)
3) I want to publish my first book before the summer!
4) I want to eat less chocolate. I can't get really specific about this goal. Anything less than the current amount is a success.
5) I want to focus on the present and worry less about the future or the past.
6) I will not get dragged down by the people who don't have my best interest at heart but only care about their own benefits.
7) And yes, I will (plan on) go(ing) to the gym more. Also no specifics, since going once a week would already be a success for me... *Sigh* Maybe I need to invest into a trainer...

Let's see how long I can stick to them. :)
What are your resolutions for 2016? Which ones did you stick to and which ones did you break last year?


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