Everyone's a star!

Los Angeles has a particular way of making everyone feel special - even if you are not famous. At every restaurant the car is parked FOR you. You don't have to be the one spending 20 minutes circling the neighborhood and trying to squeeze into a tiny spot. Sure you pay for it and give tip on top of that but you save yourself time and stress. Totally worth it!

The same is an option at shopping malls. Just turn onto the valet lane and I nice man in uniform will open the door for you and wish you an enjoyable day. In Beverly Hills there was even a Starbucks with valet parking. Genius!

When you go to the hairdresser, you can choose between coffee, water or a glass of champagne. Sometimes you even get a free hand massage while you wait. At the nail salon, the chair is so big and comfy that the built-in massage options make you doze off.

Even shopping is a very pleasant experience. Clients never walk around with their hands full of clothes or wait in line at the fitting rooms. No, sales associates take the clothes from you and start a fitting room for you. They introduce themselves by name and ask you frequently if you need anything else while you try on clothes. And this is not just the case at fancy places but also at regular mid-level shops like Express, Banana Republic, Forever 21, etc.

Everyone is treated like a glamour girl! Because we are all special! Yes, yes, we are. Or at least they make us feel like we are and that's really all that matters. Follow my blog with Bloglovin


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