
Showing posts from 2018

No one should ever have to appologize for their accomplishments

Photo by John Fornander on Unsplash Naomi Osaka was robbed of which was probably one of the greatest moments in her career to date. She beat her idol in the U.S. Open but she didn't appear happy about. I got the feeling she didn't even dare to be happy when she claimed her prize and her trophy. While everyone is shifting blame for the anticlimactic victory of this young, talented tennis player to the supposedly overcritical umpire, I believe there are more people to blame: Carlos Ramos certainly played a role in contributing to the game turning sour by ticking off Serena Williams and consequently the crowd with is judgement calls. I don't know enough about tennis to know whether his ruling were wrong. Serena's coach Patrick Mouratoglou is another person we can point a finger at as he definitely, and later also admitted, coached her during the game. Serena also shares part of the blame in my opinion by making the event about her being treated unfairly. O...

Made in Styria - Improved in California: Ich über mich

Made in Styria - Improved in California I participated in a Writing for the Web-workshop recently and one of the exercises was to write an exaggerated 'About Me' for my product/services website. The class was in German and therefore, so is the result. Let me know what you think!  Mein Name ist Cornelia, aber seit der dritten Klasse Volksschule nennt mich jeder Connie, weil wir damals 'coole' englische Namen von unserer Englischlehrerin bekamen. Ich bin zu 100% aus steirischem Fleisch mit ungarischer Gewürzmischung hergestellt, jedoch wurde meine Fleischqualität unter der teilwiesen Aufsicht von Governeur Arnold Schwarzenegger über 10 Jahre lang in Kalifornien aufgebessert. Made in Styria - improved in California. Dort bekam ich auch das Qualitätssiegel der University of California-Los Angeles verliehen. Dieses Qualitätssiegel ist auch der Grund warum ich trotz meiner Kompaktheit im Hochpreissegment verkauft werde. Neben meiner Expertise im zweisprachigen Texte...

Call me shallow but I miss 'The Bubble'

After spending the last weekend sick in bed and alternatively on the couch, I maxed out on Netflix documentaries, shows and movies. It made me realize how much I miss American trashy television. Yes, it's shallow. Yes, it's dumb. Yes, I like that kind of stuff sometimes. Binge watching endless reruns of The Real Housewives of Orange County, Beverly Hills, New York and sometimes Atlanta was an amazing guilty pleasure on the weekends. When I was on a business trip in St. Louis, Missouri, which included a weekend and I was done with sightseeing after 3.5 hours, I got myself a serving of quesadillas (the only vegetarian food I could find) and ate it in bed while watching Bravo. Reality show after reality show! I loved it! I spent the next day and a half on my bed-island with cheese stains in my jammies. It was an incredible weekend of wasting time and expanding waistbands. The other realization I had while being cooped up and watching Hollywood movies and shows was how much I mi...

Morocco surprised me in every way!

Morocco has been on my list of places to visit for quite some time. This May, the time had finally come! I thought Moroco was all about camels, couscous and desert but I couldn't have been more wrong! Marrakech has countless parks and the buildings show intricate designs and powerful colors. I especially loved the beautiful doors and gates of the various buildings. People are very friendly and everyone speaks English! Did you know that designer Yves Saint Laurent used to live in Marrakech? You can visit his incredible blue house surrounded by a lovely and colorful garden. The souk was bustling but no one was pushy. The food was INCREDIBLE and very vegetarian friendly. We took a trip to the ocean to visit the city of Essaouira, which apparently used to be hippie-town where Jimmy Hendrix briefly lived. We went on a sunrise hot air balloon ride (my first) and it was an incredible experience! Floating across the tree tops of olive trees and seeing the sun rise in the distance...

A Blue and Bluer Smokescreen

Austria feels a sense of pride when it comes to being what they call nostalgic about the past and going against the mainstream. The rest of the world calls it being backward. In 2015, the Austrian government at the time passed a law that would finally take Austria to the same progressive level as the majority of Western countries: banning smoking in bars, restaurants and clubs. However, it wouldn't be Austria if things were that simple. The government gave establishments over 2 years to prepare for the law to come into effect - May 2018 - which would fall under the legislative period of the next government. I was very happy about the law as I am one of those 'annoying' people who get a headache and burning eyes as well as the urge to cough as soon as I am exposed to smoke. At the same time, I thought the long time before the law actually will be enacted may be problematic as the new government may have other ideas. It turned out that I was right... and in this case, I wis...

Press Release: Book Presentation of LAlien for Sietar Austria at the Vienna Expat Center

Sietar Austria invited me to hold a reading of my book LAlien-From the Austrian Alps to the Hollywood Hills at the Vienna Expat center on January 21. And so I did. Check out the Press Release by MyMorawa summarizing the fantatic evening:

Trimming the Stuff-Fat

My last blog post in 2017 was about my intention of holding back on unnecessary purchases in 2018 - and I am still quite serious about it. During our trip to London over New Year's, I realized two of my biggest weaknesses are: - vacation shopping, and - boredom shopping In the past, I have often dedicated a whole day to shopping when on vacation. I'm not really sure when this 'tradition' came about but it has been my thing. We only had 4 days in London and the city was crazy crowded. For some reason, I had absolutely no desire to go shopping. I only bought some supplements at Whole Foods, which is a store I loved in the US and doesn't exist in Austria. I was waiting for that 'feeling of missing out' to set in for not roaming through the shops, when walking past the shopping area, however, I got so distracted by all the sights I wanted to see that experiences became more important than things .  Sure, it would have been much easier to spend the day at t...