Yesterday's News
The U.S. media is quite a curious creature. Whether it is a major news network like CNN or MSNBC or one of the local outlets, American media tries to up the ante on itself on a daily basis. Everything is 'Breaking News' or a 'Developing Story'. From the latest high speed chase to Obama having a cheese sandwich for lunch. Oh, and it needs to be pointed out if he is wearing his flag pin, while eating that sandwich, cuz if not, you know what that means! The main media-idiom I struggle with, is the equal importance that is given to 'true' news story like the bill that was passed in Congress or the uprisings in the Middle East but also the wacky 'news' story of Charlie Sheen's implosion of his career. One effects us all directly, the other only marginally - if at all. The 24-hour news cycle can be overwhelming. I moved here ten days after 9/11. You had to forklift me off the couch to get me away from the TV - because if I was going to die, I needed to ...